
Bubble Football Bubble game Order-16 balls €3,347.00

Bubble Football Bubble game Order-16 balls

We test each ball for to ensure the ball seamed exactly well.
Delivery time: arrive within 14 days after payment
Logo printing: free
Warranty: 1 year quality guarantee and free repair kit.
About PVC/TPU inflatable body zorb ball  :
Both TPU or PVC types look the same and both with best quality.
Q: What is TPU – Thermoplastic Urethane? Why TPU is more expensive than PVC?
A: TPU’s full name: (Thermoplastic Elastomer Urethane Copolymer) is a new non-toxic materials, The wide application of products, TPU will be replaced by a product of PVC.
-Resistant to solvent, oil and grease.
-Excellent strength, break strength and elongation
-Better resistance to hydrolysis
-Better resistance to low temperature
-Better mycete-proof
Q:What is the difference between the PVC and the TPU material?
A:For TPU material, it is more durable than PVC. It dont have any bad smell if the weather is much hot.
So it is used in most of hot city, like Lubbock,Oklahoma City,Raleigh,Tulsa,Austin. We have many customers there. Attached is our SGS TPU material testing report. There are lots of fake TPU on sale in internet since their price even can not approach our cost.
Related accessories go to you with the purchase for our zorb ball.
Free Accessories For Your Order!
CE/UL standard blower,1x680W,110-130V/220-240V at FREE ( 6 Balls 1 Free )
Repair kit and glue at FREE ( Please note we wont send GLUE because Customs Unallow)
Heavy duty PVC tarp. Bag and PP woven bag are offered at FREE
Simple logo/company name/website/telephone No. etc in 1C at FREE
Theme Panels/Banners/Logo in 4C can be made accordingly but charge
For the One Year Warranty:
The ballcome with 1 Year Warranty for customer deficiencies (you are responsible for all shipping). For manufacturer deficiencies, we will re-ship new one instead if the ball is under the condition of normal use.After the warranty expires or for non-covered damages to ball, we are able to repair ball at a fraction of the cost of new ball.


Bubble Balls Bubble Soccer Order-24 Balls €4,923.00

Bubble Balls Bubble Soccer Order-24 Balls

Bubble soccer is also named as “body zorbing ball”. It is very popular for outside sports. It is suitable for both children or adults. Bumper Ball is what teams get together to play football or soccer wearing giant bubbles (sometimes referred to as Body Zorbs or Loopyballs), allowing them to bump, roll and flip over whilst trying to score a goal.Bubble soccer Norway
We test each ball for to ensure the ball seamed exactly well.
Delivery time: arrive within 14 days after payment
Logo printing: free
Warranty: 1 year quality guarantee and free repair kit.
About PVC/TPU inflatable body zorb ball  :
Both TPU or PVC types look the same and both with best quality.
Q: What is TPU – Thermoplastic Urethane? Why TPU is more expensive than PVC?
A: TPU’s full name: (Thermoplastic Elastomer Urethane Copolymer) is a new non-toxic materials, The wide application of products, TPU will be replaced by a product of PVC.
-Resistant to solvent, oil and grease.
-Excellent strength, break strength and elongation
-Better resistance to hydrolysis
-Better resistance to low temperature
-Better mycete-proofBubble Ball buy Norway
Q:What is the difference between the PVC and the TPU material?
A:For TPU material, it is more durable than PVC. It dont have any bad smell if the weather is much hot.
So it is used in most of hot city, like Lubbock,Oklahoma City,Raleigh,Tulsa,Austin. We have many customers there. Attached is our SGS TPU material testing report. There are lots of fake TPU on sale in internet since their price even can not approach our cost.
Related accessories go to you with the purchase for our zorb ball.
Free Accessories For Your Order!
CE/UL standard blower,1x680W,110-130V/220-240V at FREE ( 6 Balls 1 Free )
Repair kit and glue at FREE ( Please note we wont send GLUE because Customs Unallow)
Heavy duty PVC tarp. Bag and PP woven bag are offered at FREE
Simple logo/company name/website/telephone No. etc in 1C at FREE
Theme Panels/Banners/Logo in 4C can be made accordingly but charge

For the One Year Warranty:
The ballcome with 1 Year Warranty for customer deficiencies (you are responsible for all shipping). For manufacturer deficiencies, we will re-ship new one instead if the ball is under the condition of normal use.After the warranty expires or for non-covered damages to ball, we are able to repair ball at a fraction of the cost of new ball.


Bubble Football Norge

Bubble Football Norge. Body Zorbing skrevet av: ammad19 Body Zorbs er egnet for en enorm alder gjeng; fra barn modnet 6 år + rett opp til voksne. Tanken er å passe inn i en Zorb ball og spille en av ulike avslapnings innsiden av en oppblåsbar stadion. Fra dette punktet kan du løpe, leke og kjempe til hjertet ditt innhold. Bubble soccer Norway
Den betydelige ting om kroppen Zorbing er dens fleksibilitet. Som beina er gratis, kan du spille et slikt utvalg av underholdning. Dagens mest utbredte recreations innlemme 5-a-side-fotball, bulldog, tag for å nevne et eneste par.
Få litt informasjon om det fulle omfanget av kropps Zorb avslapnings du muligens kan spille eller veilede din Zorb opplevelse i dag!
Vi gir en 10m x 10m oppblåsbare grensen for å sikre kroppen Zorb ballsfor ekstra velvære. Dette er virkelig nok lite å matche i mange grønne kabinetter selv til dags dato være felles boareal å sirklet og finne den mest ekstreme glede. Dette bestemte kan gjøre den menneskelige kroppen Zorbing en utrolig og intenst uvanlig aktivitet angående hendelser, feiring, ekstraordinære tilfeller og i mange tilfeller ledelse og forretningsutvikling fest utvikling!
Vi tilbyr en helt fleksibel tilsyn Bubble Balls Cheap Norway nøyaktig hvor mange av oss levere alt du trenger, for eksempel våre personlige ansatte i tillegg til makten. Omtrent alle våre ansatte er forberedt, sikkerhet sjekket i tillegg til helt bevoktet. At de også ha fore helsetjenester hjelp arrangere.
Hvorfor ikke forsøke Zorb fotball, Zorb hustling, streike kurs, sinnsyk sand, og himmelen er grensen derfra? Alle kan legge til at ytterligere noe enestående til enhver sosial begivenhet!


Boble Fotball

I historien, en av de mest interessant dumt og barnslig som spill er boble fotball. Ides av dette spillet generere mye moro ble materialisert ved Johan Golden og Henrik Elvestad i Norge. Et populært TV-show golden goal “uthevet eksistensen av spillet og hvordan du spiller gjør det mer og mer viral i samfunnet på den tiden. Likevel gjorde framdrift spillet sin vei inn i Storbritannia i år 2014.In Bubble soccer Norway tillegg til at det var tilgjengelig i andre land som Kina, Australia og USA. Spillet involverer å sette på av oppblåsbare baller kalt zorbs som dekker både hodet og øvre del av spillerens kropp. Heldigvis er drakten svært rimelig fordi du kan få det på $ 229.You kan ta noen dress med den fargen du ønsker suiting du smak og preferanser tilfredsstillende. Spillet spilles av personer over ti år. I Amerika er det særlig økende etter dannelsen av et firma som heter Bubbleballinc å støtte spillet.
Hvordan spille
Spillet kan spilles utendørs eller innendørs. Men hvis du er en offensivt utgående freak som meg, nyter det på det grønne gresset er bra for deg. Spillet er delt inn i 3 kategorier første, zorb bowling der en spiller i den ene enden av banen går til en gruppe med andre spillere som prøver å slå dem ned. Likevel, Bubble Ball buy Norway en annen kategori er zorb sumo. To spillere plassert i sentrum av en sirkel trukket på banen har et formål å skyve hverandre bort fra sirkelen. Til slutt, innebærer bulldog en spiller som tar sikte på å slå ned andre spillere mens i hans eller hennes boble, prøver å stoppe dem fra å komme til endepunktene på banen. Den som blir slått ned blir den første spilleren i midten. Høres kult? Vel det er sikkert utrolig interessant.


Bubble Football Norge

Bubble Football Norge. Body Zorbing skrevet av: ammad19 Body Zorbs er egnet for en enorm alder gjeng; fra barn modnet 6 år + rett opp til voksne. Tanken er å passe inn i en Zorb ball og spille en av ulike avslapnings innsiden av en oppblåsbar stadion. Fra dette punktet kan du løpe, leke og kjempe til hjertet ditt innhold.
Den betydelige ting om kroppen Zorbing er dens fleksibilitet. Som beina er gratis, kan du spille et slikt utvalg av underholdning. Dagens mest utbredte recreations innlemme 5-a-side-fotball, bulldog, tag for å nevne et eneste par.
Få litt informasjon om det fulle omfanget av kropps Zorb avslapnings du muligens kan spille eller veilede din Zorb opplevelse i dag!Bubble soccer Norway
Vi gir en 10m x 10m oppblåsbare grensen for å sikre kroppen Zorb ballsfor ekstra velvære. Dette er virkelig nok lite å matche i mange grønne kabinetter selv til dags dato være felles boareal å sirklet og finne den mest ekstreme glede. Dette bestemte kan gjøre den menneskelige kroppen Zorbing en utrolig og intenst uvanlig aktivitet angående hendelser, feiring, ekstraordinære tilfeller og i mange tilfeller ledelse og forretningsutvikling fest utvikling!
Vi tilbyr en helt fleksibel tilsyn nøyaktig hvor Bubble Ball buy Norway  mange av oss levere alt du trenger, for eksempel våre personlige ansatte i tillegg til makten. Omtrent alle våre ansatte er forberedt, sikkerhet sjekket i tillegg til helt bevoktet. At de også ha fore helsetjenester hjelp arrangere.
Hvorfor ikke forsøke Zorb fotball, Zorb hustling, streike kurs, sinnsyk sand, og himmelen er grensen derfra? Alle kan legge til at ytterligere noe enestående til enhver sosial begivenhet!Bubble Balls Norway
bubble soccer norway


Bubble Football

Bubble Football kommer i forskjellige størrelser raste 1-2 meter i diameter. Høyden kan være små, mellomstore og store størrelser på 1,2, 1,5 og 1,8 meter hhv.Bubble Ball buy Norway
Fotball Bubble populære av dagen er blitt populært fordi det er spilt av barn og voksne for rekreasjon og sport. I tillegg til å bli omtalt i BBC og ITV, har dette spillet også vedtatt skoler sport scene. Populære spill som folk flest liker er; høy kropps støtfangere, bulldog, støtfanger slaget kroppen, 5-a-side, kroppen støtfanger klistremerke støtfanger kroppen av fotball og Pac-man, blant andre.
Høye støtfangere i kroppen, for eksempel, tjener du poeng når treffer andre deltakere utenfor arenaen der de spiller i støtfanger kroppen mens i kamp, ​​alt du trenger å gjøre er å kjøre og unngå å bli truffet mens treffer andre .
Til deg eller dine kunder til å nyte dette spillet, er alt du trenger å gjøre er å kjøpe en fotball boble er kjent under forskjellige navn, for eksempel oppblåsbare støtfanger ball og Bubble Ball og andre i de ledende distributører i ditt område.Bubble Balls For Sale Norway
bubble football


Bubble Ball Norway

Bubble soccerBubble Ball buy Norway

- Le foot, c'est un plaisir de divertissement ne peut pas attendre de nous, à tout moment, peut vous donner des bulles de football.Nous fournir tous les équipements, et le football de bulles de haute qualité, y compris le football de bulles de taille différente, pour les enfants et les adultes, des objectifs, des bulles de football de promouvoir la musique; accompagnement professionnel et intéressant, l'arbitre et photographe expérimentés ici pour ajouter votre joie !!

- Le football est un jeu de nouveau et excitant, un jour dans le jeu est excitant, bulle de football fans, peut répondre à la célébration, activités de promotion, les activités du campus, de publicité, de location de football de la fête d 'anniversaire de bulles et d'autres jeux.Bubble Balls Norway

Bien que le jeu est très intéressant, et il est plus intéressant de jouer.Il ya beaucoup de plusieurs équipes de football de bulles dans la Ligue de football dans le pays et la plupart des grandes villes, quelques semaines tous les deux.Bien que ces Ligue certains pas officiellement leur est aussi intéressant.

Bulle de football doit de plus de 5 ans avant de pouvoir jouer, les enfants doivent être sous les adultes, mais de bulles de football n'est pas les hommes et les femmes, même les hommes et les femmes ne se mélangent pas Oh, bulle de football qui accueille un mouvement pour l'expérience de cette formidable!Bubble Ball Norway


Bubble Balls For Sale Norway Bubble Balls Price Norway

Bubble Football Attention
Bubble Football guarantees a lot of laughter and a lot of bumping. You will enjoy yourself so much, you will think you’re a kid again. Once the whistle starts everybody flies straight in, there’s a lot of bumping, bouncing, rolling and laughing especially from the spectators. You and your friends will be laughing for days after.

Play bubble football, matters need to pay attention to:
Bubble Balls For Sale Norway

1,Bubble football requirements the site has no sharp objects, carpet to common ground or cement ground.
2, prohibit carrying keys, mobile phone, glasses and sharp trinkets to play.
3, the use of products should be checked before the seal is intact, and securely handle strap.
4, please according to the product on the “up” tips, not to reverse the use of.
5, should play back strap, hold the handle.
6, children play with parents should care.
7, suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure and weak constitution are not used.
8, rain, more than three winds prohibit the use of.

Bubble Balls Price Norway

Bubble football started in European countries are particularly popular, and now has gradually entered China, Taiwan, Beijing, and other cities, people in the play. Maybe you do not know what bubble is a football, do not know bubble football how to play, it doesn’t matter! You can contact us, we will tell you in detail, when you know the bubble football, you will be crazy in love with bubble football!


Bubble Balls Bubble Soccer Order-24 Balls €4,923.00

Product Description

Bubble soccer is also named as “body zorbing ball”. It is very popular for outside sports. It is suitable for both children or adults. Bumper Ball is what teams get together to play football or soccer wearing giant bubbles (sometimes referred to as Body Zorbs or Loopyballs), allowing them to bump, roll and flip over whilst trying to score a goal.

We test each ball for to ensure the ball seamed exactly well.
Delivery time: arrive within 14 days after payment
Logo printing: free
Warranty: 1 year quality guarantee and free repair kit.
About PVC/TPU inflatable body zorb ball  :
Both TPU or PVC types look the same and both with best quality.
Q: What is TPU – Thermoplastic Urethane? Why TPU is more expensive than PVC?
A: TPU’s full name: (Thermoplastic Elastomer Urethane Copolymer) is a new non-toxic materials, The wide application of products, TPU will be replaced by a product of PVC.
-Resistant to solvent, oil and grease.
-Excellent strength, break strength and elongationBubble Balls For Sale Norway
-Better resistance to hydrolysis
-Better resistance to low temperature
-Better mycete-proof
Q:What is the difference between the PVC and the TPU material?
A:For TPU material, it is more durable than PVC. It dont have any bad smell if the weather is much hot.
So it is used in most of hot city, like Lubbock,Oklahoma City,Raleigh,Tulsa,Austin. We have many customers there. Attached is our SGS TPU material testing report. There are lots of fake TPU on sale in internet since their price even can not approach our cost.
Related accessories go to you with the purchase for our zorb ball.
Free Accessories For Your Order!
CE/UL standard blower,1x680W,110-130V/220-240V at FREE ( 6 Balls 1 Free )
Repair kit and glue at FREE ( Please note we wont send GLUE because Customs Unallow)
Heavy duty PVC tarp. Bag and PP woven bag are offered at FREE
Simple logo/company name/website/telephone No. etc in 1C at FREE
Theme Panels/Banners/Logo in 4C can be made accordingly but chargeBubble football buy Norway

For the One Year Warranty:
The ballcome with 1 Year Warranty for customer deficiencies (you are responsible for all shipping). For manufacturer deficiencies, we will re-ship new one instead if the ball is under the condition of normal use.After the warranty expires or for non-covered damages to ball, we are able to repair ball at a fraction of the cost of new ball.


Bubble Balls Price Norway Bubble Balls Cheap Norway

Bubble Football is some large round ball filled with air, that one can immerse some good portion of their body in, as get ready for really unique fun experience. It has inner straps and handles and is designed well to let one rough it up firmly with some friends simply playing around, or actually playing newly found contact sports yet keep one safe from all contact types injuries that come with such level of sports.
Bubble Balls Price Norway

Bubble Football Bubbel Soccer Equipment Order-10 Balls

  • TPU or PVC:
    Your TEXT on balls(optional)
    Your logo(optional)
    • (max file size 32 MB)
    Size Options(Default : Adult size)
    Kids ( 6-14 years ) Size 4'
    Adults Size 5'
    Extra Large Size 5'7"

Bubble Football has for some time now been the favorite sport for those aiming to make the most out of there free time. Currently, people are not only enjoying this sport during their leisure time but it is becoming a hot sport across parties and events. As much as the sport is gaining popularity, there are a number of questions that keep nagging many people.

Bubble Football is protective, all-encompassing, single-chambered and safe game. It is also a ball of the air with shoulder straps and inner handles that allow you to almost literally defy pain and gravity. You just need one to get started. Is your quest for the phrase that reads ”Bubble Soccer cheap”? Are you searching for the meaning of the phrase that states ”Bubble Soccer cheap”? Well, if all these questions are creating problems on your mind, then you have landed on the right page.Bubble Balls Cheap Norway


Bubble Soccer Ball

Soccer Ball bubble is a new sport in Europe. It's kind of similar to football, but it is played with special equipment. Bubble-football was born in Norway and become invielen countries popular.
Bubble football are big plastic balls, worn across the torso and face, IhreBeine free to the field with a hole donut shaped breath easily allow run leave. They are usually used in pairs or more and let the carrier "bump, checkbox or steam-roll" their game partners out of the way as they go for the goal. Laughter is required.Bubble Ball buy Norway

Bubble-football there are no specific roles during the game, but players are wearing mitspeziellen bubble suits. Each team in the bladder Soccer has only five players. DasSpiel fun for children and adults, and there is physical and exhilarating. DieBlase suits allows players to their legs freely within the Zorb ball, flip, jump, run and run move.
Anyone can play Bubble football?
There are no major restrictions Sport; Anyone can in the bladder Soccer, engage regardless of gender and age; in many cases be rocketing leeches but insist that only people can take part over the age of 14 or 15.
There are also several medical conditions such as high blood pressure and heart complications, you shall reign activity of participation of these physically taxing.Bubble Balls For Sale Norway